Type: Recessive
Issues: N/A
First Produced In: Unknown
Availability: Rarest
Last Updated: 2022-07-04
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Stinger is a recessive mutation.
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January 4th, 2009: After years of test breeding Stinger Fat Tails we have found that the Stinger mutation is lethal when crossed with the albino. There are no complications with the actual Stinger morph, but when crossed into the albino the offspring usually die in the egg and the cross also results in severely deformed and extremely weak babies. Unfortunately, the Stinger Albino Fat Tail will not be able to be created due to the lethal incompatibility with the two recessive traits.
No history yet.
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The bands found on the back of a Stinger AFT connect with one another through dorsal striping. The lower banding stretches down towards the tail into a sharp spike, resembling the rear of a wasp, giving this trait its name.
Zero is a striped variant of Stinger and through breeding trials have proven to be the same.
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Stinger Oreo Het Patternless ( Regen Tail ) African Fat-Tailed Gecko by JMGreptile
Oreo Stinger Het Patternless Pos Het Ghost African Fat-Tailed Gecko by JMGreptile
Tangerine Stinger Het Oreo African Fat-Tailed Gecko by JMGreptile
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