
First Produced By: Barry Summerhayes

First Produced In: 2016

Availability: Lower

Last Updated: 2021-12-04

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The Carnivore morph has been described as similar to Acid and Confusion, but has different results when bred to other genes. It has a distinguishing stripe under the neck in the basic form, but combined with some morphs, the stripe is removed.

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Barry Summerhayes from HognoseUK isolated the Carnivore gene from a snake he bought from a friend in 2016. It was supposed to be a Leopard, but Barry was intrigued by the way all the combos looked very different from the “normal” Leopard combos.

After a few years of producing more and more different looking morphs, Barry came up with the name - Carnivore - and began to release a few. The Carnivore morph has gained a lot of support over recent years, especially within the UK and the USA.

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The head of the Carnivore Ball Python usually displays a light “V” shaped headstamp.


The body of the Carnivore Ball Python is covered in a dark, busy pattern with lots of bubbly loops.
The alien heads of a Normal Ball Python are largely unrecognisable, with banding over the dorsal and large “alien eyes” being prominent along most of its body.


The belly of the Carnivore Ball Python is usually dominated by a thick dark stripe that begins under the neck.


The tail of the Carnivore Ball Python usually follows the wacky patterning of the rest of the body.

Proven Lines

No known proven lines

Related Traits

No known related traits


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