Type: Polygenic
Issues: N/A
First Produced In: Unknown
Availability: Lower
Last Updated: 2022-06-01
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Genetic Black Back is more of an appearance descriptor than it is a single defined morph.
Some morphs (ex. BlkPastel complex) will frequently display the trait, in other cases it is just a “look” a certain animal might have but it is not a heritable trait.
Additionally, like we see with Granite, there are some situations where the trait can be heritable. In these cases most reputable breeders will label their animals as “Genetic Black Back” to denote that the trait can be carried on to the offspring.
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Genetic Black back animals have a mostly pattern free dorsal.
Despite the name, Genetic Black Back is more of an appearance descriptor than it is a single defined morph.
No known proven lines
No known related traits
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Cinnamon Pulse Ball Python by Foschi Exotic Serpents
Cinnamon Black Back 100% Het Orange Hypo/ Ghost Ball Python by Innovative Ectotherms
Blackback Ball Python by BallPythons9
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