Type: Other
First Produced In: Unknown
Availability: Lower
Last Updated: 2023-01-18
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There are a few known viable Ball Python hybrids.
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The head is dependent upon the Hybrid in question.
The body is dependent upon the Hybrid in question.
The belly is dependent upon the Hybrid in question.
The tail is dependent upon the Hybrid in question.
by boidsnake on February 21, 2013
"The first, and to date, only breeding of Burmballs (Burmese python x Royal python) was done in 2007 in Germany by Frank Kramer. At the time, he was housing a breeding pair of albino Burmese pythons with a male normal royal python. The female Burmese laid her eggs as normal, and it was thought nothing out of the ordinary would happen, until on May 4th 2007 her eggs began to hatch. Due to being a breeding of homozygous albino parents, Frank would have had the shock of his life seeing what looked to all the world like a normal nose coming out of it’s egg. Little did he know that this little normal looking Burmese hatchling would shake the world of captive bred reptiles for years to come.
His female Burmese python had laid a split clutch, some of her offspring were fathered by the albino Burmese, and as expected are albino Burmese pythons themselves, others however have an altogether different father, the Royal python who was sharing the vivarium with the Burmese pair had also mated with her, and the result was the Burmball.
To date (February 21, 2013), there are only 10 Burmballs in the world, 3 owned by the original breeder, 4 in the USA, 2 in Austria, and 1 lone female here in the UK. That female was purchased from the Hamm reptile expo by two of the biggest names in the UK reptile world, Scott Wilkinson (Captive Bred Reptiles) and John Berry (John Berry Reptiles). They co-owned her for well over 2 years, and in late 2009 chose to sell her.
It was at this point that she came to live here at Pi Reptiles.
Since her arrival we have had the pleasure of trying to teach the world about her true origins."
Steve Roussis - F2 SUPERBALL
“After many trials and tribulations the question of Superball fertility was answered in 2005. The world’s first F2 (second generation) Superball offspring were produced June 2005 from Superball x Superball mating. This Hybrid project continues to prove interesting with the production of the F2, which differs greatly in appearance from either of its parents. As always with designer snakes, we look forward to the future with great anticipation.”
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Elijah Armas in Q&A, 2015 : "In 2011 I learned of ordering reptiles online and about the hobby in general. The fifth snake I ordered online happen to be a SuperBall hybrid. I didn’t know about the hate some have towards hybrids at the time but I can care less either way. I just like the way some of the hybrids look when mixed. Goal for this clutch was to get an animal that looked like a SuperBall with the skin texture of an Angolan python. It didn’t quite turn out that way but I couldn’t be more pleased with they way they are.
I purchased an adult virgin male Angolan last summer. I went and bred him to the SuperBall in November so it was my very first attempt at breeding hybrids. No research I just set them up with my ball and blood python breeding schedule.
9 good eggs laid, 1 slug and dud as well. One egg starting going bad at the last week of incubation, the baby was severely deformed.
There definitely longer then both other species. More girth then ball hatchlings but less then a blood."
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