Mocha Ball Python by Wreck room snakes
Mocha Ball Python by Wreck room snakes
Mocha Ball Python by Miami Reptile Company
Mocha Ball Python by Miami Reptile Company
Mocha Ball Python by Regius Creations
Mocha Ball Python by Regius Creations
Mocha Ball Python by Space Balls Reptiles
Mocha Ball Python by Space Balls Reptiles
Mocha Ball Python by Regius Creations
Mocha Ball Python by Regius Creations


    First Produced By: Amir Soleymani

    Aliases: Latte

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Average

    Last Updated: 2022-06-08

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    Mocha is an Inc-Dominant mutation founded by Amir Soleymani.

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    No history yet

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    The head of the Mocha Ball Python usually expresses a light chocolate colouration with a keyhole headstamp towards the back of the neck.


    The body of the Mocha Ball Python is usually covered in high yellow, irregular, alien heads. Within the alien heads the usual muddy gradient of a Normal Ball Python is reduced, leaving clean patterning.


    The tail of the Mocha Ball Python follows the same colouration and pattern as the rest of the body.

    Proven Lines

    No known proven lines


    • Leche (Mocha Phantom)

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    Latte Ball Python by Vesper Ball Pythons

    Latte Ball Python by Vesper Ball Pythons

    Super Mocha Ball Python by Olympian Exotics

    Super Mocha Ball Python by Olympian Exotics

    Super Mocha Ball Python by Olympian Exotics

    Super Mocha Ball Python by Olympian Exotics

    Latte Ball Python by The Gourmet Rodent

    Latte Ball Python by The Gourmet Rodent

    Latte Ball Python by The Gourmet Rodent

    Latte Ball Python by The Gourmet Rodent