Nova Ball Python by Hard Wired Exotics
Nova Ball Python by Hard Wired Exotics
Nova Ball Python by Monster Morphs
Nova Ball Python by Monster Morphs
Nova Ball Python by Hard Wired Exotics
Nova Ball Python by Hard Wired Exotics


    First Produced By: Wolfe Exotics

    First Produced In: 2010

    Availability: Rarest

    Last Updated: 2021-11-09

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    Nova is a dominant mutation founded by Wolfe Exotics in 2010.

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    Nova was one of Dan Wolfe’s projects, proven in 2010.

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    The head of the Nova Ball Python is usually a dark tanned brown with a keyhole headstamp toward the back of the crown.


    nova is a fairly subtle morph on its own. It seems to alter color more than pattern. To me it appears to be a darkening morph with orange tones and flames. The dorsal markings are bright, generally spotted, with the dorsal spots sometimes featuring key hole or donut shapes. They tend to have dark speckling on the side markings. [1]


    The tail of the Nova Ball Python follows the same patterning as the rest of the body.

    Proven Lines

    No known proven lines

    Related Traits

    No known related traits


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