Type: Incomplete Dominant
First Produced By: Brandon Osborne
Availability: Higher
Last Updated: 2022-01-27
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Sandblast is an incomplete dominant mutation founded by Osborne Reptiles in 2010.
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In 2006, Brandon Osborne acquired a hatchling female Pewter from a breeder in the Pennsylvania area that stood out to him. He knew this particular animal was nicer than most Pewters on the market and didn’t think twice about trading a couple of hatchling Pieds for her. During this time, Pewters were still considered a somewhat rare combo and were commanding a hefty investment, but Brandon knew she was worth every penny.
Brandon spent two years feeding this Pewter female and bred her to one of his Pied males in the spring of 2008, which hatched the first Pewter het Pied babies later that fall. All three were males, but he kept all of them to ensure the success of producing Pewter Pieds once they were ready.
In the fall of 2009, Osborne paired all three Pewter het Pied males with one Pied female and the original 2006 Pewter female. During this time, he was on tour with his band and his collection was in the care of our good friend, Clint Bartley of Bartley Reptiles.
In October of 2010, while in the care of Clint, he hatched the world’s first Pewter Pied from one of Brandon’s female Pieds… and the world’s first Urban Camo, Sandblast Sterling, and Sandblast Super Pastel, only they didn’t think anything of it at the time.
Fast forward to 2012, just after Brandon came off the road and moved the collection back home. Having held back several animals from 2009, 2010, and 2011, they hatched the world’s first Sterling Pieds, Sandblast Pewter het Pied and Sandblast Savannah Pewter. At this point, they realized they had a new gene causing the pattern disruption, but knew they still had work to do with the gene. During this season, they also hatched the second Urban Camo that also reinforced that this combo could be reproduced.
During the years since, Brandon has produced several amazing Sandblast combos such as Pewter, Sterling, Killer Pied, Mojave Pied, and Urban Camos, to name a few, proving the gene is legitimate.
From their determination, it acts as a dominant gene and is passed on in the first breeding.
A couple of close friends of Brandon have also produced their first Urban Camo babies in the 2017 season, from animals that were acquired from Osborne Reptiles. This again provides proof the Sandblast gene is the key to the Urban Camo.
For those wanting the recipe for Urban Camo, here are the ingredients:
In conclusion, while Brandon does understand the importance of importing new genes to expand the future of the hobby, they have never imported any animals. Osborne Reptiles operates with a very closed collection and works with a select few breeders they know and trust, for new blood in their projects. There is only one line of Sandblast, and it originated at Osborne Reptiles.
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The head of the Sandblast ball python is similar to that of a Normal ball python.
The body of the Sandblast Ball Python can be difficult to distinguish compared to other subtle mutations, but has a rich colouration compared to a Normal ball python, making the black “puzzle-like” markings appear almost tanned. Strong blushing can be seen throughout the animal’s body around the large ringed alien heads.
The tail of the Sandblast ball python follows the same patterning and coloration as the rest of the body.
No known proven lines
No known related traits
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Pewter Banana Urban Camo by 8-Bit Pythons
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Super Pastel Banana Urban Camo by 8-Bit Pythons
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