Type: Incomplete Dominant
First Produced By: BHB Reptiles
Complex: Complex: Scaleless
Aliases: Het Scaleless, Scaleless Het
Issues: Homozygous form has fragile skin
Availability: Higher
Last Updated: 2022-12-14
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The Scaleless Head Ball Python is visually nearly identical to a Normal Ball Python, apart from the lack of scales that tend to be missing from the head.
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No history yet.
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The Scaleless Head Ball Pythons head can range from missing a few scales to the whole crown being absent. Colouration and markings are usually consistent with that of a Normal Ball Python.
The body of the Scaleless Head Ball Python follows the same pattern and colouration of a Normal Ball Python.
The tail of the Scaleless Head Ball Python follows the same pattern and colouration of a Normal Ball Python. Though scale count near the cloaca has been noted, it is yet unconfirmed if this is a genetic trait with all Scaleless Head Ball Pythons.
WHS line
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GHI Lesser Scaleless Ball Python by Blackburn Exotics
Scaleless Pinstripe 100% Het VPI Axanthic Ball Python by Amos Reptiles
Super Mystic Scaleless Ball Python by Balthozar, LLC
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