The original imported female on eggs back from 2016 by Visionary Exotics
The original imported female on eggs back from 2016 by Visionary Exotics
Zuwadi (Z Morph) Ball Python by Queen City Exotics
Zuwadi (Z Morph) Ball Python by Queen City Exotics
Zuwadi Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics
Zuwadi Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics
Zuwadi Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics
Zuwadi Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics
Zuwadi Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics
Zuwadi Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics


    First Produced By: Visionary Exotics

    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: 2016

    Availability: Average

    Last Updated: 2022-08-16

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    Zuwadi is an incomplete dominant mutation founded by Visionary Exotics in 2016.

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    No history yet

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    The head of a Zuwadi ball python is usually topped with a heavily faded crown, often with a lighter spot in its center.


    The body of the Zuwadi ball python follows the “alien head” pattern of a Normal ball python, but much dirtier and grainier tones are displayed. “Eyes” within the alien heads are reduced.


    The tail of the Zuwadi ball python follows the same patterning as the rest of the body.

    Proven Lines

    No known proven lines

    Related Traits

    No known related traits


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    Zuwadi Bongo Ball Python by Queen City Exotics

    Zuwadi Bongo Ball Python by Queen City Exotics

    Zuwadi Leopard Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics

    Zuwadi Leopard Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics

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    Zuwadi Pastel Calico Ball Python by Nick Schanke Reptiles

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    Mojave Zuwadi Enchi Vanilla Het Clown Ball Python by Matt Byram Exotics