Type: Other
Aliases: Fringe
Issues: N/A
First Produced In: Unknown
Availability: Higher
Last Updated: 2023-04-14
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Fringing is when the scales along the back side of the hind limbs are off-white/cream. This can sometimes reach the feet. This is present in most crested geckos.
This description is characterized by cream to white coloration that highlights the edges of the hind legs and usually the kneecaps. It can appear in animals of any color and morph, with or without walling, and even in patternless morphs, so we are defining it as an individual characteristic that appears when the animal has WP present. It can be added in a single generation when an animal that has the characteristic is paired with an animal that does not exhibit fringing. Fringing can change from white to orange or yellow when an animal has tangerine, as tangerine is described as infusing the entire animal. It is closely correlated to WP and Whiteout/Whitewall.
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AVA Fringed Crested Gecko by Lil Monster Reptiles
Het Axanthic High Contrast Harlequin Dashed Pin Crested Gecko by Method Noir Exotics LLC
Red Crested Gecko by Colorful Cresties and Creatures
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