

Type: Other

Issues: N/A

First Produced In: Unknown

Availability: Common

Last Updated: 2021-12-27

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The Biak type is one of the largest representatives of this type, often exceeds 180cm and is known for its temperament and a high degree of aggressiveness.

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Biaks are impressive beasts with robust heads, elongated dragon-like snouts.

Their coloration is highly variable though they tend to be a predominantly olive-colored green. They typically have blotchy yellow patterns across their body particularly on their face and snout.

The head is larger and the nostrils look distended.


Varying shades of green throughout the body, with mismatched circles along the dorsal and spotting of yellow along the sides.

The back is more pointed than most other GTPs.

The color palette can be very large. For example, there are animals that are simply green in color, others with a very high proportion of yellow, which is also relatively normal for this species, white-blue animals, only yellow or mustard-colored animals. However, most animals remain green with a few yellow scales on the head and a few on the rest of the body.


The tail is longer than that of Aru animals.


Animals with a high proportion of yellow are often referred to as Lemontree. However, this term is incorrect and you can read the reason for this in Greg Maxwell’s book. Correctly, such an animal should be called high yellow. Nevertheless, caution is advised because, as already mentioned above, Biak animals could naturally be adorned with many yellow scales. When purchasing a Biak mold, one should also note that the animals could have completed their color change at around 3 years of age. Such animals should not then be called high yellow, because after all it is still the young plumage.

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