Type: Locality
Issues: N/A
First Produced In: Unknown
Availability: Higher
Last Updated: 2021-12-27
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Sorong-types are a sample of the specimens found in the north-western region of the Papua New Guinea island near the coastal city Sorong.
Green Tree Pythons from the Vogelkop Peninsula and Raja Ampat regions in western Indonesian New Guinea are commonly referred to as 'Sorong type ’ after the largest city in the area.
Sorong are the smallest representatives of this kind and reach a total length of 150 cm.
Another plus point of these animals in addition to their good looks is that they are easier to keep compared to other forms.
As a rule, these animals are relatively calm, but not quieter than Aru or Merauke animals.
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Sorong green tree pythons are characterised by an almost unbroken blue dorsal line with blue triangle patterns on either side of the line. Blue spots can often be seen on the animals’ sides and some white scales may be present.
Hatchlings can be red or yellow, with a dark dorsal stripe.
Blue patterning on the dorsal side of the animal including blue stripes and spots over a bright green body. The ventral side of these pythons is even more spectacular with predominately blue and yellow scales extending up the lateral sides of the snake. To top it all off, they have a smattering of white spinal scales and a pigmented black or dark blue tail that is typical of this form. These Green Tree Pythons tend to be of moderate size, and are generally shy in captivity.
The flanks are either the same color as the rest of the body or have light blue pigments, especially near the abdomen.
The most typical feature, however, are the light blue or turquoise triangular drawings on the back, which ideally are connected to one another. Single blue scales but which can also appear in groups are located on the flanks and a few white scales near the back.
Females can turn light blue when pregnant.
They commonly develop a sky-blue dorsal stripe and markings leading to a long and pointed black or dark blue tail against a light grass-green body.These north-western Chondros are the smallest of the localities and their small proportionate features and vibrant coloration accentuate an overall graceful and pretty serpent.
The belly is usually a creamy yellow-white color.
Simon Stone Line.
No known related traits
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USCBB Sorong X Aru Green Tree Python by Vista Morelia
USCBB Sorong X Aru Green Tree Python by Vista Morelia
Sorong X Arfak Sorong Green Tree Python by Chondroking
Manokwari X Sorong Green Tree Python by High City Reptiles
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