Lavender Albino

Aliases: Lavender, Ruby Eyed Lavender, Jack Dyre Lavender

Issues: Photophobia

First Produced In: Unknown

Availability: Rarest

Last Updated: 2022-04-22

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This morph is considered a T+ albino. It is also known as the ruby eyed lavender or historically as the Jack Dyre lavender. They are often hard to distinguish from typical albinos in photographs, unless there is a good shot of the eyes.

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While the word photophobia literally translates to a "fear of light”. Its not actually that you are scared of light, but instead, are incredibly sensitive to it. Animals with albinism experience photophobia due to the lack of pigment in the iris, which does not allow the eyes to filter out light.


The history of this morph goes back to 1978 when Jack Dyre received a wild caught albino Cal king from La Habra Heights in Los Angeles County, California. That snake was then bred to a John Ruiz line San Diego banded albino Cal king. The outcome of that breeding was all albino offspring. One of those males was raised and bred back to Jack’s albino from La Habra Heights. The results included ruby eyed lavenders that ranged from lavender to dark pink. Apparently the La Habra Heights albino was also het for T positive albinism or was a double homozygous snake expressing albino and T positive albino at the same time. This has become one of the more popular Cal king morphs. Recently another strain of lavender was found to be incompatible with this strain, but that snake was since sold off.

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The iris is normally bluish or gray with a ruby red pupil.


These are generally light lavender as babies and adults.


The Lavender Florida Kings have been under much scrutiny for many years. The reason Lavenders have been so vigorously contested is that the Lavender Cal Kings had been around first, and there were many instances of people borrowing the Lavender gene by cross breeding into Floridana to sell the animals unscrupulously as true Albino Florida Kings.

Proven Lines

In 2020, Daniel Parker of Sunshine Serpents hatched out some surprise Lavenders from wild caught parents in Highlands County. This is probably the only line in the hobby that can be confidently 100% from Florida King bloodline. Lavenders have long been suspect of being borrowed from other subspecies of kings. So this line is very special.

Related Traits

No known related traits


  • Anery Snow (Anerythristic Lavender Albino)
  • Axanthic Snow (Axanthic Lavender Albino)
  • Double Albino (Amelanistic Lavender Albino)
  • Hybino (Hypo Lavender Albino)
  • Purple Passion (Hypermelanistic Lavender Albino)

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