Type: Recessive
First Produced By: Outback Reptiles
Aliases: Outback T-, T- Albino
Issues: Photophobia
First Produced In: 2014
Availability: Rarest
Last Updated: 2024-02-20
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A recessive gene founded and proven by Outback Reptiles that lacks melanin and cannot make the enzyme Tyrosinase, which starts the conversion of amino acid into melanin. These snakes are very light color with no black or brown markings, and have bright red eyes.
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While the word photophobia literally translates to a "fear of light”. Its not actually that you are scared of light, but instead, are incredibly sensitive to it. Animals with albinism experience photophobia due to the lack of pigment in the iris, which does not allow the eyes to filter out light.
Wild caught adult male visual acquired by Outback reptiles. Was in rough shape and took them several years to recuperate and acclimate to captivity before they could produce the first litters of hets. Visual Albinos first produced by them in 2014.
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T- have red eyes.
White and orange with no dark pigment.
No known proven lines
No known related traits
No combo pictures yet
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