100% Pure Bali Yellowhead Reticulated Python by Mystic Reptiles, LLC
100% Pure Bali Yellowhead Reticulated Python by Mystic Reptiles, LLC
Bali Yellowhead Reticulated Python by Blake Wilson Reptiles
Bali Yellowhead Reticulated Python by Blake Wilson Reptiles


    Aliases: Bali Yellow Head

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Rarest

    Last Updated: 2022-02-16

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    Bali is an island in Indonesia that is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands. Java Island is immediately west of it and Lombok is to the east. [1]

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    A bright yellow head that develops with age.


    Retics from that area generally look very similar and are known to have a yellow head as they mature; but not all develop the yellow head and yellow-headed retics can occur in other areas as well. Bali Reticulated Pythons, though technically a mainland race, are prized in the reptile keeping hobby because they reportedly grow smaller than other mainland races and 15′ (4.5 meters) is considered the very maximum size. [2]

    Proven Lines

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    Tiger Het Indo Caramel 25% Bali Blood Reticulated Python by Rnb Reptiles

    Tiger Het Indo Caramel 25% Bali Blood Reticulated Python by Rnb Reptiles

    Orange Glow Tiger Het Purple 25% Bali Blood Reticulated Python by Rnb Reptiles

    Orange Glow Tiger Het Purple 25% Bali Blood Reticulated Python by Rnb Reptiles