100% US CBB Dwarf Selayar Reticulated Python by Mystic Reptiles, LLC
100% US CBB Dwarf Selayar Reticulated Python by Mystic Reptiles, LLC
100% US CBB Dwarf Selayar Reticulated Python by Mystic Reptiles, LLC
100% US CBB Dwarf Selayar Reticulated Python by Mystic Reptiles, LLC

    Selayer (Dwarf)

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Lower

    Last Updated: 2021-11-29

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    Selayer locality Reticulated Pythons are slightly smaller and of a much more manageable size than mainlands. However Selayers are the largest and most varied of all the dwarf and superdwarf subspecies, with adult females ranging nine to thirteen feet and males typically a little bit smaller. [1]

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    Selayers have rich yellow heads. Their head structure is also quite different from what you find in any of the other dwarf localities. Selayers tend to have a very wide head from cheek to cheek, widespread eyes and a really short kind of pug like nose compared to the long narrow heads of the champeas and super dwarfs. [2]


    Selayers have bold black patterning. There is a lot of variety because it is a larger island. One thing that they seem to consistently have is a donut neck pattern that extends pretty far down the body and in some cases has huge striping. Side rosettes on Selayers tend to be brilliantly white and the golds get brighter and brighter as they grow to rival any sunfire or platinum that you will ever see, without reducing the contrast that plays between the black and the white portions of the snake. [3]


    The tail follows the same patterning as the rest of the body.

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