Type: Recessive
Aliases: Anerythristic, Axanthic
Issues: N/A
First Produced In: Unknown
Availability: Rarest
Last Updated: 2023-11-19
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Anery is a recessive mutation showing reduced or no red color.
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The first East African sandboa to appear in the U.S. with a new morphology from the original Normals was the Anerythristic, or Axanthic East African.
Anerythristic literally means without red, or orange. Thus the original orange background of the snake is replaced with a silvery white, creating a strikingly handsome black/brown to white/cream colored animal.
We know from the herpetological book Reptiles and Amphibians of East Africa, which Norman G. Hedges published in 1983 by Kenya Literature Bureau, that these anerythristic animals were found in the wild in Kenya sometime prior to 1983.
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The head of the Anery Sand Boa is covered in charcoal blushing with dark thick lines through or around their eyes.
The body of the Anery Sand Boa is highly contrasted between the brown/black blotched patterning and the pastel grey base. Many Anery Kenyan Sand Boas have patterning that is a shade of brown. Animals that are pitch black as adults are pretty rare.
The tail of the Anery Sand Boa follows the same colouration as the rest of the body.
No known proven lines
No known related traits
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Gene X Anery Paint Sand Boa by Hill's Herps
Snow Kenyan Sand Boa by Snakes at Sunset
Anery Splash Sand Boa by Snakes at Sunset
Anery Splash Sand Boa by Solar Serpents
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