Action Reptiles

Premium Member

Joined on Aug 12, 2016


Premium Member

Joined on Aug 12, 2016



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Patrick Jackson

Fall River, MA, USA

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Action Reptiles is a breeder of high quality Ball Python and various lizard color morphs. I strive to produce the highest quality reptiles in the industry today. I pride myself on the strong genetic lines that I am working with to produce healthy robust examples of the morphs they represent. I Do Not power feed my animals, so if your looking for 1 year old breeding size animals you will not find that here. As I am invested in certain morph projects I do try and have a wide variety of morphs available ranging in price from low end and up. If you don't see something you are looking for just ask as I might not of had a chance to put it up or might know someone else who does have what your looking for. The health and care of all our animals comes first and foremost here. We enjoy being able to supply our customers with the proper knowledge along with a quality healthy specimen for them and their families to enjoy for years to come.

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Store Policy

Terms of Service
Action Reptiles guarantees its animals for 7 days after arrival. Your animals will arrive 100% healthy and properly sexed. Action Reptiles will not be responsible for extreme weather or acts of nature (extreme weather constitutes as temperatures over 90 degrees / under 45 degrees). We will take great care to ensure that your animal(s) arrives safely. We will monitor the weather to the best of our ability to make sure safe travel is possible. We will make all arrangements with the receiver prior to shipping.

Shipping and handling is paid by the customer, we will include the price of the shipping at time of order.
Shipping costs vary depending on zip code and size/weight of animal.
Our shipping policy requires next day/overnight shipping with Fed Ex on all orders or through Delta Dash. This cannot be modified under any circumstance.
Action Reptiles will only guarantee live arrival of animal on first delivery attempt.
Action Reptiles requires an adult to be present at residence/location at time of delivery
We only ship Monday – Wednesday
If the customer wishes to make an exchange or return you must notify us within the first 48 hrs of delivery. The customer
assumes all responsibility for shipping costs, unless noted by otherwise by Action Reptiles.

All orders must be paid in full prior to shipping or delivery.
We accept Money Orders,Checks, Credit cards and Cash. Payments are done through Square invoice and must clear prior to shipping.
If paying by Money Order we recommend you add delivery confirmation so that the money order can be tracked
in case of misplacement.
If you wish to place an order on hold, a 20% non refundable deposit is required. All orders have a expiration
date of 30 days (unless noted otherwise and other arrangements are agreed upon).
If you are unhappy with your order please contact us immediately for an exchange within the first 24 hours you have received it (no cash refunds accepted, only an exchange of equal or lesser value will be given).

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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Wholesale Policy

Wholes sale available min 5 lots of animals. More animals not listed contact for full wholesale list.

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