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Joined on Aug 11, 2022
Joined on Aug 11, 2022
Gained 100 followers on their store profile
Liked 50 times on a single ad
Gained 100 followers on their store profile
Liked 50 times on a single ad
Gained 25 followers on their store profile
Gained 10 followers on their store profile
Liked 25 times on a single ad
Liked 10 times on a single ad
BeWild is a 501(c)(3) rescue located in Durham, NC that specializes in reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. We were founded in 2018 and have taken in over 600 animals since.
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All animals are quarantined for a minimum of 30 days.
Those interested in adopting must fill out an adoption application at
We are unable to ship most animals - they must be picked up in Durham, NC.
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