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Joined on Dec 13, 2018
Joined on Dec 13, 2018
135 Shipments
335 Sales
Enjoy extra peace of mind when you buy from this seller on MorphMarket. You will get up to $1000 if they fail to meet our standards. Learn more
Brendon Kline
Brogue, PA 17309, USA
Regional Shipping
Rated 100 times as a seller in a transaction
Gained 100 followers on their store profile
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Rated 100 times as a seller in a transaction
Gained 100 followers on their store profile
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Liked 50 times on a single ad
Rated 25 times as a seller in a transaction
Rated 10 times as a seller in a transaction
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Gained 10 followers on their store profile
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Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2023
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2022
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2021
We work with burmese python,ball pythons and reticulated pythons, we also sell feeders locally.
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Payment: cashapp and zelle
Shipping: we ship mondays and tuesdays. All boxes are shipped to your local fedex hub for you to pickup. we ship thru reptiles express which is a FedEx provider. We use insulated boxes along with 40hr heat packs,cool packs when needed
All sales are final. If you cancel a order after making full payment,50% refund will be given. If buyer cancels after making a deposit,deposit is then forfeited. You are welcome to roll the deposit onto a different animal if more convenient.
Guarantees: we guarantee live arrival when shipping hub to hub only. Someone then must pickup the animal within 2 hrs of arrival
We guarantee sex of that animal.
We guarantee genetics of the animal being purchased.
We offer payment plans on most animals:
30 day plan $25 additional
60 date plan $50 additional
We stand behind the quality of our animals!
MorphMarket's Default Store Policy
specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
16 Ball Pythons
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