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Joined on Jan 13, 2021
Joined on Jan 13, 2021
Gainesboro, TN 38562, USA
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Gained 100 followers on their store profile
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Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
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We are a small family buisness that breeds and sell Reticulated pythons, Burmese pythons, blood pythons.
We ship Tuesdays and Wednesdays . We ship to fedex hubs only for the safety of the animals. We cover up to $50.00 of shipping. You must be atleast 18 years of age to buy one of our animals. If you buy one of our breeders you will be paying for the animal plus the shipping.
We will not sell to Florida, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Alabama, Montana, Arkansa, All of New England except for New Hampshire. You need a permit to have large constrictors in Delaware and we will need a Picture of it. We accept cash, cash app credit cards and bank cards.We will only ship if weather permits. Shipping differs from state to state. We only ship to FedEx hubs no exceptions to guarantee live arrival. You must pick up animal within a hour of arrival and notify us that you have received your animal and send us an unboxing video or picture to let know the animal has arrived safe. If there is any problem with the animal we need pictures and video proof, within 1 hour of arrival.We don’t hold animals without a $100.00 deposit. Deposit is nonrefundable whether you pay in full or make payments. Animals under $500 dollar is a $100 Deposit, animals over $500 is a $200 deposit. The deposit is a nonrefundable deposit. Animals under 500.00 you have 2 weeks from the day you put down your deposit to pay animal off. Animals over 500.00 up to $1,000.00 we will give you 30 days from the day you pay your deposit to pay the animal in full. Animals over 1,000 you will have 6wks from the day you pay your deposit to pay animal off in full. NO ANIMAL WILL BE SHIPPED UNTIL Balance is paid in full.Any purchase over $1,000 shipping is free. Except on adult animals, the buyers must pay shipping.
It is the buyers responsibility to comply with all state and local regulations regarding the keeping of exotic animals.
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specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
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