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Jacob Hunter
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
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Small breeder of New Caledonian Geckos specializing in crested geckos, gargoyle geckos, and leachianus. We are located in Colorado Springs, CO.
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Purchasing a reptile from us means you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions before hand, please reach out to us.
You must be 18 or older to purchase, unless permission from parent/guardian. Purchases will be made through Square, or cash. No checks, money orders, or wires are accepted. Trades may be excepted. Prices of geckos listed do not include shipping, unless otherwise stated. Shipping within the US is an additional $65. If you purchase more than one gecko, contact us personally so we can go over shipping plans. If you are local to Colorado Springs, Co, you are welcome to meet us to pick up your reptiles. If a gecko is not picked up locally within 2 weeks of purchase, it will be refunded and placed back up for sale. (Refer to our Shipping Info page for additional info) Discounts on multiple geckos if asked for before purchase. All sales are final once the payment is processed. We do not guarantee any holds. We do not offer payment plans. If you purchase a gecko with us, you can not resell that gecko within the first 30 days. We do not insure the health or safety of your gecko once it is in your hands and after you have received your shipment. Geckos are sensitive and can go downhill quickly if not properly cared for. You must do your research prior to purchasing a reptile from us. We can not guarantee that your gecko will not loose it tail after being purchased.
We ship throughout the United States for an additional $65. We also will ship to Canada and HAMM. If you are interested in those forms of shipping, please reach out to us directly to make arrangements. If you are local to Colorado Springs, Co, you are welcome to pick up your gecko at no charge. When purchasing multiple geckos, please reach out to let us know so we can arrange shipping accordingly. A photo or video of animal upon arrival insures its health and safety. If you do not send us a video or photo upon arrival, we will assume that it is healthy and safe. All animals are shipped through a reptile shipping company via Fedex. The package will be sent directly to a local Fedex Hub. With colder temperatures, a 40hr reptile safe heat pack will be included with your gecko to ensure warmth. We can refuse shipping to you if we don’t feel the weather is appropriate to ship in. We ship out Monday-Wednesday evening. Packages will arrive to your Hub Tuesday-Thursday morning, often before 10:30am. You must pick up your gecko from the Hub on the same day it was delivered.
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6 Crested Geckos
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