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Joined on Mar 15, 2017
Joined on Mar 15, 2017
Miguel Garcia
Palmdale, CA, USA
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Gained 1000 followers on their store profile
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Gained 100 followers on their store profile
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Rated 25 times as a seller in a transaction
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Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2025
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We are a family based business and we pride ourselves in our collection of top quality ball pythons. Our aim to be 'always evolving' with diverse genetic mutations and to provide intriguing possibilities within the ball python community. Our main focus will be on recessive morphs; clowns and pieds and co-dom combos; such as the highway, mandarin, super gravel and freeway combos. We also have a successful YouTube channel-Always Evolving Pythons, featuring all of the family expressing the passion we have for these amazing animals including weekly live auctions, where you get to see our collection up close and personal.
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All animals are in good health, correctly sexed and eating the appropriately sized food item at the time of listing. Every attempt will be made to represent the animal as accurately as possible.
We are FedEx certified to ship reptiles. Animals are typically shipped out on a Monday for Tuesday delivery via FedEx, providing appropriate predicted weather conditions at both the origin and destination and potential hubs. Buyer must be present at initial delivery attempt and report any concerns immediately. No liability is assumed for carrier mishap or unfavorable weather changes. Shipping charges are non-refundable.
Local pickup can be arranged if within 50 mile radius.
Animals are not considered sold until payment is received in full. Animals can be placed on hold upon receipt of a non-refundable 25% deposit with a mutually acceptable payment plan.
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specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
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