High Country Reptiles

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Joined on Feb 16, 2016


Premium Member

Joined on Feb 16, 2016



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Denny Dietz

Denver, CO, USA

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We are a small reptile company that pride ourselves on top notch customer service and providing quality animals with an eye aimed firmly towards the future of the hobby.

We are dedicated and passionate about our animals and we want for you the same joy, wonder and fascination that we experience from owning these captivating animals!

Because we want you to feel comfortable and safe when purchasing from us, we are always here for you before and after you acquire your animals and really look forward to helping you with wherever your journey into the hobby takes you!


Denny Dietz, Breeder/Owner
High Country Reptiles

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Store Policy

Animal Guarantee

We guarantee genetics as advertised; however, in some multi-gene animals it can be tricky to do this accurately and performing further breeding trials is often necessary for genetic validation; in these cases, we will make our best determination based on the genetics involved in the pairing.
We guarantee the animals to be healthy, well fed and correctly sexed. It is the responsibility of the customer to know how to properly care for the animals they purchase. We want you to succeed and we are here to answer any questions and offer any advice you feel you may need.


For convenience, most forms of payment are accepted: PayPal ( including Pay Later), Venmo, wire transfers, money orders and cash.
We offer payment plans on many of the animals we sell. The typical plans offered are for 30 or 60 days with a 20% non-refundable deposit required to hold the animal. Please inquire if you are interested in a payment plan.


We ship to an Authorized FedEx Ship Center and have the animal held for pickup. You will need a valid ID to pick up the animal and the name must match the name on the shipping label and invoice.

All animals will be packed appropriately, adequately secured, properly insured and shipped with all necessary labeling and documentation.
We ship FedEx Priority Overnight, Monday through Wednesday only; we do not ship when temperatures are below 38 degrees or above 100 degrees at either the origin or destination locations. This is done to limit risk to the animal during transit, with the the best interest of the animal in mind above all else.
If incorrect shipping information is given, the guarantees are void; if animals are shipped directly to your door, you must be there to accept the packages or the guarantees are void; if picking them up from a facility, you must do so within two hours or guarantees are void. Picking up the reptile at a destination facility is the preferred method of High Country Reptiles.
If you are unsatisfied in any way, we must be contacted within 24 hours of receiving delivery.

International Shipping

Please inquire directly about arranging international shipping.


Buyer must arrange for payment of a Living Item within one (1) business day of the buyer being notified that it has made the winning bid for that Living Item. Payment may be made by any lawful mechanism which is acceptable to the seller or as otherwise set out in the seller’s store policy.

Winning bids are to be paid in full.

By bidding on a Living Item, a buyer agrees to be bound by the seller’s store policy.


Upon arrival, inspect your animal immediately and notify us at once if something is wrong or doesn't seem quite right.
If everything looks okay with the animal, place it in its intended enclosure and offer water.
Please try not to handle or feed your animal for several days to give it time to adjust; shipping is a stressful experience for your animal and it needs time to acclimate to its new environment.
Don't be alarmed if your animal doesn't eat right away; sometimes it takes a little time before it feels secure enough to accept a meal.


High Country Reptiles does not accept returns on live animal purchases unless the animal was dead on arrival or violated our animal guarantee. Please see our Animal Guarantee section for more information.

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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