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Joined on May 19, 2020
Joined on May 19, 2020
Kayla Duff
Urbana, IL, USA
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Inspiration Exotics is a small, ethical breeder based in central IL specializing in high-quality ball python projects, crested geckos, and African house snakes. We take pride in producing healthy animals that are unique, high-quality genetic combinations and represent the best of their genetic potential. We also focus heavily on providing great animal care, customer service, and reptile education.
Inspiration Exotics strives to be an ethical and responsible reptile breeder. Here are a few of our standards:
1. PLEASE feel free to inquire even if you are not sure you want to buy an animal! You are never wasting our time by asking addition questions or wanting additional photos. We are inquiry-friendly.
2. All of our animals are provided substrate, hides, and enrichment in their enclosures, even those kept in rack systems. At any point, customers are welcome to ask for photographs of enclosures. We believe enrichment is important for animals to thrive and are always looking to further our husbandry.
3. All of our animals are handled regularly, as we believe socialization is important for enrichment and for ease of medical care and transport for the animal's lifetime. If an animal does not do well with handling, it will be noted.
4. We do not believe it is ethical to intentionally produce genes that can negatively impact the animal's health or quality of life. We will never breed for certain genes or genetic combinations, including but not limited to: spider, hidden gene woma, woma, champagne, spotnose, super chocolate, super cypress, super sable, super black pastel/cinnamon or 8ball. We do breed single gene forms of black pastel, cinnamon, blackhead, and chocolate, as these genes are only known to cause issues in the homozygous forms. We also work with banana, but to combat the male-heavy sex-linking, all of our breeding bananas are female and will produce females and female-maker males. Feel free to ask us about specific genes and pairings at any point.
5. We feed all of our snakes frozen-thawed rodents unless otherwise specified. We believe this is safer for our animals and sets the animal up for success in a home that may not be able or willing to acquire live meals. We also offer various prey items, including mice, rats, ASFs, chicks, and quail.
6. All snakes new to the collection undergo a minimum of 120 days in quarantine. All geckos new to the collection undergo a minimum of 60 days in quarantine. Biosecurity measures are taken between animals and species to limit contact risk.
7. Our entire ball python collection is nidovirus tested on intake, so that we can provide testing results to customers wishing to know their animals come from a biosecure collection. As of current writing, we have a negative test available for every breeding ball python. Any sick animals receive veterinary care by a certified reptile vet.
8. We will not always sell an animal to the first buyer to offer money. We will ask questions to certify a buyer is a good home for the animal in question. Please be prepared to answer questions about how you plan to keep the animal, what the enclosure will be like, etc. and if you are new to a species we will happily help you set up the necessary environment. Offering payment is not a guarantee that we will sell the animal to you.
9. We believe in transparency. Any questions related to care, animal health, ethical practices, social media posts, or anything else will be answered promptly and honestly.
By purchasing an animal, you are agreeing to our policies and guarantees in their entirety.
AUCTION POLICY: Our primary concern is always the health and wellbeing of our animals. When you bid on an auction, understand that we expect to have a discussion with the winner ensuring they know the animal's needs and are prepared to provide appropriate care for the animal for its lifetime. If you are not willing to provide proof that you know the species' husbandry and have an enclosure set up or arriving soon, do not bid on our auctions. If a winner refuses to communicate about care, enclosure, or other questions asked on our end, we WILL cancel your bid and refuse the sale.
1. GUARANTEES: We guarantee the health, sex, and genetics of every animal sold **PER SPECIFIC SPECIES POLICY**. See the bottom of our policy for all specific guarantees, including our health guarantee.
2. TERMS OF PURCHASE: We are not money-motivated and are not interested in selling animals to anyone who will offer payment. We will vet buyers to ensure that they are capable of providing the proper husbandry, enclosure sizing, and general care. Buyers new to the species are welcome, and we're happy to help you set up your enclosure. We reserve the right to decline a sale if a customer refuses to answer questions or provides insufficient answers, refuses to engage in discussion, or if we doubt for any reason the quality of care our animal may receive. Just because you are the first to offer money does not automatically mean you will be the one to receive the animal.
3. SHIPPING: We only ship on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for next-day arrival. For the safety of your animal, shipping will only occur when temperatures are between 40 and 90 degrees in both departing and arriving city (and New Caledonian geckos will only be shipped with temperatures between 50 and 85 degrees). Payments must be received in full prior to shipping, including the price of shipping. We will preferentially ship only to HUBS for pickup, and we reserve the right to decline requests to ship to a residence. We will ship to a residence on a case-by-case basis but be prepared to pick up at the hub if you are receiving an animal from us.
We will not ship a baby ball python until the animal in question has taken at least five consecutive meals and is at least 100g. We will not ship baby geckos until they have reached at least 5g, are eating regularly and are healthy and robust enough to be shipped safely.
4. HOLDS: We are happy to hold an animal for you, but in order to hold we required a 25% non-refundable deposit. Payment plans are done on a case-by-case basis but generally we are happy to work out a payment plan with you. The animal in question must be paid for in full before shipping. If we hold an animal longer than two months due to circumstances on the buyer's end, there will be an additional $25 care fee per 4-week period the animal continues to be held.
5. AGE: You MUST be 18 years or older to purchase an animal from Inspiration Exotics, and the animal you are purchasing must be legal to own in your state. For purchases over $500, we will require proof of ID.
5. RE-HOMING: If at any point you decide to release an animal bought from us from your possession, whether by circumstance, choice, or otherwise, we would be happy to take an animal back from you, even months or years later. All of our animals are companions and pets as well as breeders, so should you decide that an animal is no longer a good fit for you, you can get in contact with us and will only have to pay shipping to send the animal back to us.
6. HEALTH: We guarantee that every animal leaving our collection is healthy, mite-free, passing normal bowel movements, and feeding consistently. When the animal is delivered to you, you must send us an update (photo, text, email, MM message, etc.) within TWO HOURS of the animal's arrival. This update is what starts our 7-day health guarantee. Should you fail to send an arrival update within two hours, you forfeit the 7-day health guarantee.
- 7-DAY GUARANTEE: As long as the required update is sent, we will guarantee the health of the animal for 7 days. Should the animal fall ill or pass away for reasons NOT related to new owner care, we will work with you on a refund or replacement. In the case of illness, proof of diagnosis by a certified reptile vet will be required. In the case of death, arrival photos are required along with photos of the animal's enclosure. We will never knowingly sell a sick animal.
- DISEASE TESTING: We now have a baseline negative nidovirus test on every animal in our collection, and every new animal is tested upon intake, so we can guarantee our animals come from a nido-free collection and are happy to provide testing proof for breeding adults. Should you wish to have one of our animals tested for nidovirus before you purchase, you will need to pay for the test and shipping but we are happy to arrange and send the swab for you, and hold the animal longer in the interim. If the nido test were to be positive, we would issue a full refund including deposit.
7. COLLECTION HEALTH: We certify that all animals in our collection are healthy and ethically bred and kept. Our collection is mite-free and we perform regular mite prevention treatments. Any health issues (respiratory infection, abscess, etc.) are treated by a licensed reptile veterinarian. In addition, we perform nidovirus testing in our collection to ensure the health and safety of our animals and yours.
8. COMMUNICATION: We will provide prompt communication to customers and potential buyers on inquiries and in the case of shipping or payment delays.
- Any of our customers may inquire about an animal even if they are not certain they want to purchase.
- We are also available at any time to answer questions related to care, health, or genetics, even if the questions are unrelated to one of our animals.
9. ETHICS: We aspire to be an ethical and responsible breeder. Please see our "About" section for information on our ethical standards.
10. PAYMENT: Currently we can accept PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, Cashapp, and credit card payments. Cash payments can be accepted in-person for local sales.
Live Arrival Guarantee: We guarantee that your animal will arrive alive and healthy, provided the animal is picked up from your local hub or accepted at your door upon first delivery. If you are not present to accept the animal upon the first delivery attempt, the live arrival guarantee is void.
Health Guarantee: We guarantee the health of an animal for 7 days after arrival. You must send us an arrival update on the animal within two hours of the animal's arrival. If you do not send us an update within this time frame, the health guarantee is void. Should the animal pass away due to something that is not related to new owner care as determined by a licensed reptile veterinarian, we will provide a refund or an exchange depending on the circumstance.
Sex guarantee: We guarantee the sex of ball pythons sold. For geckos, there is no sex guarantee until the gecko is 15g. A gecko may be sold as possible or probable male or female, but this is not a sex guarantee, simply an educated guess. Geckos only come with a sex guarantee if the sex is clearly marked as male or female on the MorphMarket system in the ad - "probable male," "no pores visible," etc. is not considered a sex guarantee.
Genetics Guarantee: We guarantee the genetics of every animal sold, including hets. All animals will be priced and described according to the genetics we can guarantee are present in the animal. If we are unsure of a trait, the animal will be sold as "possible," in which case there is no guarantee on that particular genetic trait. Lineage can be provided for both ball pythons and geckos upon request.
Please feel free to inquire for any reason - species information, feeding information, extra pictures, etc.
MorphMarket's Default Store Policy
specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
We do not wholesale animals.
10 Ball Pythons
5 Crested Geckos
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