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Joined on Nov 27, 2019
Joined on Nov 27, 2019
We are a husband and wife team from a small town in Texas. We work with only the best quality animals and take great pride in the results of our work.
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Free local pickup in the DFW area.
Shipping is available within the continental United States via ShipyourReptiles and rates vary. Please contact for shipping quotes.
We will not knowingly ship any animal in violation of State and/or Federal laws. Buyer is responsible for knowing their own local and state laws before purchasing.
We will only ship when temperatures are above 40 degrees and below 90 degrees for deliveries to your home. Otherwise please consider shipping to your nearest Fedex Hub or until weather is more favorable. We reserve the to delay shipping until conditions are safe for the animal.
We can hold an animal on a payment plan for 30 days with a 25% non refundable deposit. After 30 days animal must be payed for or Buyer will forfeit the deposit.
We accept all major credit cards, Paypal, and Zelle.
Contact by email or Messenger for additional pictures or any questions.
All reptiles will remain for sale until either paid for or have a payment plan set up.
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specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
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