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Joined on Jul 16, 2020
Joined on Jul 16, 2020
Royal Palm Beach, FL, USA
Regional Shipping
Local Pickup
We currently accept payments made via Paypal. Payments must be received prior to shipping and if desired, we can send a request for payment through Paypal to ensure a secure and safe transaction.
We will not ship your purchase until we verify a shipping date with you. Please let us know what date is best for you to receive.
Temperatures must be between 38 and 90 at our location and your location for us to ship.
We ship priority overnight through ShipYourReptiles and always ask that the receiver be available to receive your package to ensure safe and timely delivery for both you and your reptile(s).
We can hold your purchases for as long as it takes until there is a safe shipping opportunity.
Heat packs or cold packs are used when needed.
We are able to ship Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Local pickup is permitted by appointment only. We are located in Palm Beach County.
•Live Arrival Guarantee•
We guarantee live, healthy arrival as long as the package is received and signed for on the first delivery attempt. All our animals are guaranteed to be 100% healthy, feeding, and problem free. In the unfortunate event of a DOA, we must be notified by email within 4 hours of receiving the package. We ask that you attach a photo and save the animal until hearing from us. DOA’s will be refunded or replaced. We will work with you to find the best solution.
•Health Guarantee•
If you have any health concerns about your new arrival, we must hear about it within the first 7 days. We have put an enormous amount of time and resources into our ball python collection and are proud of the quality of the snakes we produce and sell. Our main goal is to ensure you and your new animal are happy.
•Shipping Address and Contact Info•
Please double check all your shipping/contact info. All guarantees will be null and void if the package goes to the wrong address or we are unable to get in touch with you if shipping issue arises.
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specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
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