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Joined on Oct 07, 2024
Joined on Oct 07, 2024
Kyle Henry
Fulshear, TX, USA
Credit Card, Debit Card, Venmo, Zelle, CashApp, Cash
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Gained 10 followers on their store profile
Liked 25 times on a single ad
Actively supporting USARK with a Bronze Membership
Gained 10 followers on their store profile
Liked 25 times on a single ad
Liked 10 times on a single ad
Actively supporting USARK with a Bronze Membership
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2025
441 Xotics is a hobbyist breeder located outside of Houston, TX.
All animals are well started, typically 8+ meals taken prior to being posted for availability.
The 2024 season we produced 100% het Albino Checkered Garter Snakes and South American Tiger Ratsnakes
In 2025 we are hopeful to produce 100% Het Amel Corn Snakes, South American Tiger Ratsnakes, 100% Het Albino Checkered Garter Snakes and potentially Vietnamese Blue Beauties.
Occasionally we will breed different species of tarantulas.
This is my channel on Rumble with videos of my animals.
We ship in the US only through FedEx Priority Overnight to your closest hub or hub of your choice. We ship on Monday ,Tuesday and/or Wednesday and do not ship during holidays or extreme weather(Temps below 38 F above 100F) as the safety of the animals is our first priority. We are not responsible for carrier delays. Local pickup is free and always welcomed.
Health Guarantee:
Animals are guaranteed to arrive alive and in good health when shipped Priority Overnight to the nearest FedEx hub. Animal must be picked up and DOAs must be communicated (with supporting photos and/or video) within 2 hours of delivery to hub or guarantee will be void. Injury or health concerns must be communicated within 2 hours of hub delivery. Due to the stress of shipping, the animal is NOT guaranteed to eat immediately. However, the animal will be well established and eating consistently before shipping is considered. Guarantee does not cover the cost of shipping. We will not reimburse vet bills for any reason.
*Note: The live arrival guarantee is VOID if we are provided with incomplete or erroneous shipping information. Remember these are live animals, so please be thorough and provide us with complete and correct shipping information so your shipment will arrive at the scheduled time.
LAG void if not shipped to FedEx Hub.
MorphMarket's Default Store Policy
specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
Must purchase a minimum of 5 animals or a minimum of $1000 if not purchasing 5 animals for wholesale pricing.
3 Rat Snakes
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