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Joined on Oct 18, 2015
Joined on Oct 18, 2015
Enjoy extra peace of mind when you buy from this seller on MorphMarket. You will get up to $1000 if they fail to meet our standards. Learn more
Troy Blunden
Bradenton, FL 34208, USA
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Papua New Guinea
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Supported MorphMarket with continuous paid membership since 2017
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Supported MorphMarket with continuous paid membership since 2017
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Shipping is $65 for any number of snakes.
Our passion for Reptiles and Exotic pets has turned into a little more than a hobby.
Our first priority is finding a perfect pet for your situation. We do not want to see people "make mistakes" and put yourself and your pet in a precarious situation. As a result, we will help you make an educated decision before purchasing a pet.
Please do not ever release a pet into the wild. It is illegal and your pet will likely not survive. There are many options for re-homing pet.
We appreciate your business and love working with our many repeat customers!
Troy Blunden
Shipping is $65 for any number of snakes.
Terms of Sale
PROMISE TO OUR CUSTOMERS-All animals are healthy and feeding unless noted otherwise. We sell only the best quality available either bred by us or picked from trusted breeders in the U.S.
Unless otherwise stated, we offer a 7 day health guarantee on our captive bred animals, provided our recommendations and care sheet instructions are followed. We must be notified during this time period of any problems or concerns for this guarantee to be upheld. In order for our guarantee to take effect, all claims must be made within our 7 day health guarantee and any deceased animals frozen and kept for return.
Guaranteed Genetics/Sex: We try to be as accurate as possible when identifying and sexing our animals. When you receive an animal from us, please verify the sex for yourself to be sure we have not made a mistake. If you feel that we have made an error and unknowingly sold you an improperly identified or sexed animal you must contact us within 24 hours of the animals arrival so the issue can be discussed and proper arrangements can be made.
Deposits: All deposits are non-refundable unless other arrangements are made. If payment in full is not made by agreed upon date, that animal will be forfeited and the deposit may be used on another animal that is still available. Any remaining deposit must be used within 6 months.
Please be aware of your own local wildlife laws and regulations. No animals will be knowingly sold in violation of any state or federal laws. Please do not even ask.
All cages and terrariums have no warranty of any kind. They are sold As-Is.
All claims must be reported immediately and all claims are handled with either replacement, store credit, or a refund. This decision will be made by Safari Pets on a case by case basis.
Please note that your failure to read our terms and conditions, whether intentional or accidental will under no circumstances be reason to consider them altered or void.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at PRIOR to making your purchases.
MorphMarket's Default Store Policy
specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
58 Ball Pythons
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