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Joined on Aug 28, 2018
Joined on Aug 28, 2018
Hannes Tiefenbrunn
Stanz bei Landeck, Austria
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Rated 25 times as a seller in a transaction
Gained 25 followers on their store profile
Liked 10 times on a single ad
Rated 25 times as a seller in a transaction
Rated 10 times as a seller in a transaction
Gained 25 followers on their store profile
Gained 10 followers on their store profile
Liked 10 times on a single ad
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2023
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2022
We are hobby snake breeders with a particular passion in breeding Ball Pythons. Our favorite recessive genes are the G-Stripe and of course the Clown gene. One of our main projects is to combine those remarkable genes!
Located in Tyrol, Austria, we keep and breed snakes since 2010, with some off-seasons, but from now on, we try to have every single year several awesome clutches.
Healthiness and the genetics are guaranteed.
We'd like to discuss the shipping policy individually with each customer. There are some deciding criteria like distance, temperature, price and so on...
Every year one of us visits several reptile shows in Europe where a free delivery could be arranged.
For instance: Hamm, Ulm, Augsburg, Verona and so forth...
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4 Ball Pythons
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