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Joined on Mar 23, 2020
Joined on Mar 23, 2020
Liked 25 times on a single ad
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
Liked 25 times on a single ad
Liked 10 times on a single ad
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2023
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2022
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2021
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2020
We are a father and daughter hobbyist team with hopes for expansion. Our love for reptiles started with a single Nelson Milk Snake back in 2000. It was a wrap from there and we both became obsessed! Over the next few years we would collect nearly 100 snakes, along with more than few uromastyxs, bearded dragons and chameleons. We had success breeding the kingsnakes, bearded dragons and chameleons. It was hard work, but tons of fun! Gradually, life happened and we eventually got out of the reptile business altogether. We had been cured of the reptile bug for well over a decade, but one day Tana came across ball python morphs on social media and we were blown away! It was amazing what had been accomplished in our years away. When we were in the biz, the hot new thing was the piebald ball python, which a little bit out of our price range at the time (10-15k each!). Other than that, all you saw were albinos and wild-type balls. Now there are hundreds of different morphs with thousands of various combinations and it is absolutely incredible. We were sold! Now we are back in the game, with one thing in mind: Ball Pythons. Our goal is to create beautiful and healthy snakes. It's a world of endless possibilities and we're here to spin the wheel.
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Shipping: Domestic shipping is available throughout the U.S. To ensure the animal's safety, we will only arrange shipment to FedEx shipping centers. Live arrival is guaranteed upon first scheduled delivery attempt. Shipping included for orders $1000 and up. For all other purchases shipping is usually $50-$100, depending on location and weight.
Payment: Payments can be made via PayPal or by cash on local pick up. Payment plans are available on a case to case basis with 25% non-refundable deposit required.
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