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Joined on Aug 23, 2019
Joined on Aug 23, 2019
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Caldwell, ID, USA
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Rated 100 times as a seller in a transaction
Gained 100 followers on their store profile
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Rated 10 times as a seller in a transaction
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Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2025
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
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Hi, I’m Kelly, a small level hobbyist/breeder who works with a variety of different reptile and amphibian species. I have kept reptiles most of my life, and have been breeding and selling them for over 20 years. My goal is to always focus on quality over quantity where my animals are concerned, and to deliver the best customer service in the industry. I am always glad to answer any questions you may have, and I provide lifelong support for each animal I sell.
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We accept payments through PayPal, Venmo, Cash app, Zelle, and Square. Live, healthy arrival and satisfaction is always guaranteed! We pride ourselves in providing outstanding customer service and healthy, high quality captive bred reptiles.
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Must buy at least 4 geckos for wholesale price. Shipping additional depending on size of order.
2 Crested Geckos
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