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Joined on Jul 06, 2016
Joined on Jul 06, 2016
Captive propagation is our main focus with an emphasis on pattern or color mutations. At this moment, our collection mainly consists of Ball Pythons & Monocled Cobras but we do have a few Copperhead & Cottonmouth projects we are working with as well as a pair of Caramel (T+) Albino Burmese Pythons. We breed our own rodents to assure the highest quality food but also produce pet quality fancy rats. We also breed Fainting Goats so inquire if you’re interested.
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Deposits & “Holding” Animals - payment plans are accepted with a 25% deposit IF we can come to agreeable terms on the payment(s) for the balance owed. Any payments made after the initial deposit is considered a deposit until the balance is paid and is nonrefundable. Animals do not leave until they are paid in full. If we are unable to supply the animal purchased, a full refund will be given. Inquire about the possibility of picking up an animal in person or at one of the many shows we do.
Price of shipping varies and is dependent on your ZIP & temperatures at the time of shipping. Typically run $50 - $100. Please send your ZIP when inquiring about a purchase that needs shipped.
Live Arrival Guarantee
Any and all animals are guaranteed to arrive alive, in good health, and correctly sexed. Immediate notification is required if you are not satisfied for any reason. Animals will only be shipped within the appropriate range of temperatures on both the shipping and receiving ends. You must be there to accept the package; otherwise, the guarantee will be void.
Cash, Certified Bank Checks, US Postal Money Orders, & Walmart2Walmart Money Transfers are preferred methods of payment but we do accept Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, & PayPal
MorphMarket's Default Store Policy
specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
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