wrai - Witchcraft Reptiles, Amphibians & Inverts

Basic Member

Joined on Oct 04, 2021


Basic Member

Joined on Oct 04, 2021



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Axle J Fagan

Seattle, WA, USA

PayPal Goods & Services, Zelle, CashApp, Cash

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Located in Seattle, Washington. Lifetime keeper and enthusiast.

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Store Policy

All creatures for sale have been either self produced or obtained by self producing sources, but no sales of any imported/wild caught creatures will be made by WRAI at this time.

Shipped from Seattle, Washington State, USA.


Shipping costs vary based on location and size/weight of package. LAG (Live Arrival Guarantee) with reimbursement/replacement to be granted on a case-by-case basis, based on contact within 4 hours of shipment pickup, contact to be made by email, MM, or text, and pictures/videos of animal(s) will be required. LAG applies to orders received at shipping hubs only, deliveries to residences NOT covered by LAG, and in most cases residential shipping is not acceptable due to local climate and the stress of extended travel on a delivery vehicle. Any cases of expired creatures, i.e. due to shipping delays/emergencies, expiration due to customer delays and/or emergencies will be addressed per the circumstances.

Refusal of sale for any reason is a right retained by the seller, for example: if a buyer is unable to provide proof of an appropriate enclosure and elements of proper husbandry specific to the creature under inquiry; or the background of a buyer shows ill-practice.

If you're just getting started and want to know more about what we offer and work with, or just have any questions in general, please feel free to ask as many as possible, we're always happy to help.

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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