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Joined on Oct 16, 2022


Basic Member

Joined on Oct 16, 2022



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Zack Langille

Nashville, TN, USA

PayPal Goods & Services, PayPal Friends & Family, Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, CashApp, Cash

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Hello all,

I’m a crested gecko, dart frog and isopod breeder based in Nashville TN. I have 26 adult breeders and always have babies or juvies growing out. Inquire if you're looking for something specific. I might even have some adults I am willing to part with. I am focused on tricolors, lilly whites and reds and will be working with axanthics soon, once they reach breeding size! I started breeding geckos in 2020 and have expanded from there as I have always been passionate about working with animals. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out. The frogs I am working with are: tinctorius tumucumaque, phyllobates terribilis yellow, azureus, pena blancas, patricias, r. benedicta, r fantastica "true nominal", r. highland "sirensis".

I also always have feeders/bioactive supplies available, fruit flies (Hydei and melanogaster) springtails, bean beetles and isopods.

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Store Policy


We accept payments via Paypal, zelle, venmo, cashapp, apple pay or cash. Animals must be paid in full in order to be shipped or picked up.


We offer a 25% down non-refundable deposit to hold an animal, it will be listed as sold/on hold until the animal is picked up or shipped. Full payment must be made within 30 days or the deposit and any other payments will be forfeit and the animal will revert to ZaZoo. If a different payment plan is needed we can discuss privately but an animal will not be placed on hold until a deposit is received and we have agreed to the terms of a plan.


We ship overnight with Reptiles2You and FedEx via priority overnight shipping to the address provided after full payment is received. Shipping days are only Monday through Wednesday for next day delivery of Tuesday through Thursday. We only ship live animals when day and nighttime temperatures are between 40 and 85 degrees at the departure point, the arrival point, and any transfer points in between. I use slow release heat packs when shipping in cooler temps and cryopaks when it is warmer to help with temperature for shipping inside the box. We will hold onto your animal (s) at no additional charge through prior arrangement when weather conditions do not permit shipping until we can find a time weather permits. Shipping cost is paid by the buyer and is calculated on a case-by-case basis. Shipping typically varies from $40 - $100 depending on location and size of the package. Generally, I ask that animals be sent to a hub for pickup to help alleviate any issues with not being available when an animal is delivered to a home address.

Shipments must be scheduled at least 2 business days in advance. Payment in full including shipping cost is required before shipment will be scheduled. Shipping is available anywhere in the Continental United States as long as Fedex will deliver. At this time, we do not ship outside the continental U.S.


Correct address, email and phone number are required. A PO Box is unacceptable. Shipping to your local hub: FedEx will hold your package for pickup at their Worldwide Ship Centers and Service Centers. They typically will not do this at store locations like Office Max etc. This is my preferred option if you are not available in the morning, or if your weather is too hot or too cold. Please specify if shipment will be going to a residential or business address or held at a FedEx facility. A label will be sent to you to verify the information is correct prior to the animal being shipped. A tracking number will be sent to your email address once your shipping label has been created. We are not responsible for deliveries made to the wrong address or delays due to carrier error. Most deliveries arrive before noon, typically by 9 am.


Animals are guaranteed to arrive alive and healthy. Please contact us once you have received your gecko as soon as you are able. Failure to contact us within the first hour of delivery will void the guarantee. We are not responsible for animals left in cars, on porch steps or in other unsafe conditions.


Geckos can drop their tails. Gecko tails are not a part of the guarantee. Sometimes geckos will drop their tails due to stress. This has no effect on them health-wise nor does it affect their breeding ability. I have not yet had a gecko drop its tail during shipping, but it can happen at any point. Their tails do not grow back. If this happens then apply a topical antibiotic such as Neosporin (without the analgesic) and keep the enclosure clean and not too moist so that the tail stub can heal.


Any animal that is listed as “Male” or “Female” has been sexed to the best of our ability and knowledge and is always verified by pore sexing using a loupe for geckos, unless it is clearly male or female. When a gecko is sold as “probable” or unsexed there is no sex guarantee. Pore sexing is done with a 60x loupe; however, some females do not always show pores until later in development and may turn out male. Females are typically considered probable until 20 grams when I deem them to be truly female. Beyond 20 grams, you can be almost certain the sex is accurate.

All sales are FINAL. Once payment is received, I will not refund you if you change your mind after payment. This is industry standard.

If you have agreed on any purchases/send any form of payment, I assume you have read these terms of sale and you agree to all terms stated above.

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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