Store: Cookie Monster Dragons

  • Overall Ratings Score: 5.0 (99)
  • Percent Positive: 99% from all time
  • Reciprocated Ratings: 0% over last 90 days
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Positive (5 Star) 6 63 98
Neutral (3 Star) 0 0 0
Negative (1 Star) 0 0 1

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Below is Negative (1 Star) feedback left by buyers about this user.
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I ordered a citris morph, from cookie monster dragons! For $650 I got a dragon with multiple health issues, an infection , Dehydration and possibly renal failure . This has been confirmed by reptile specialists . This seller is good at lying!!
I have proof that the dragon you sent me arrived with metabolic bone desiese and dehydration. Thanks a lot Shawn Cooke of Oklahoma. Everyone should know you are an animal abuser and a scammer so you can't hurt anymore animals. Fake website/con man
Rating by g***w for High Citrus Blue Bar 66% Het Hypo 66% Het Trans Central Bearded Dragon

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