Store: PetroGenetics

  • Overall Ratings Score: 5.0 (190)
  • Percent Positive: 99% from all time
  • Reciprocated Ratings: 29% over last 90 days
  • View Buyer Ratings or Store Profile

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Positive (5 Star) 7 72 189
Neutral (3 Star) 0 0 0
Negative (1 Star) 0 1 1

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Below is Negative (1 Star) feedback left by buyers about this user.
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The seller shipped without any heat pack or phase pack in freezing temperatures. The snake arrived, barely alive and half frozen. I temped it at 32 degrees.
I have tried calling & texting the buyer numerous times with no luck. This is the first I'm hearing from them since delivery. I followed all shipping guidelines & offer - Guaranteed 100% Health/live arrival. Buyer is showing no effort to communicate.
Rating by e***y for YB Leopard Pied Ball Python

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